Thursday 17 May 2012


I always had a fascination with beds and bedrooms.
Bed's are so personal,bedrooms are individuals comfort zone.
My bed is my safe place, before being here I used to do lots of sleepover with my friends.
I really have bed time stories, is funny because when we talk in Skype we still laugh about some of them.
I would need to open a new blog just to tell all those stories,really they are a lot and If had to make a list of the people I had sleep with,the list will be endless. (with sleep I mean sleep,if you know what I mean).

My room where ever I'm in the world would always be me, my room is who I am and the only place where I really Im myself.
One of my favourite art works is actually Tracy Emin's - My bed- ( And is the fantastic bed in the middle).
And some of the photo's above are my friend's bedroom's others are from magazine,and one specially used to be mine...

Lucy's sleeping facts.
+I like to heard stories before falling sleep.
+I have a little pillow,that 2 of my best friends bought for me in Berlin, there hasn't been a day in which I didn't sleep with it.
+I'm very sensitive to light so mostly I wear a sleeping mask and I have double blackout.
+I love to sleep with a hoodie.
+I made my own bed from scratch.
+I love pillows,got 6.
+Everything in my bed is white.
+I always have near :bottle of water,my glasses,my macbook,a sketchbook and a pencil.
+I love naps.
+I love to make tents and play monopoly in bed.
+Most of the time I read up 3 book's at the same time.
+I never ever go to bed without cleaning my face (not even when Im dead drunk)